Rammang Rammang, Maros, South Sulawesi

Picture Of Ramang-Ramang

  Rammang-Rammang can be reached by road by motor vehicle in less than 2 hours from Makassar City. Rammang-Rammang is within easy reach as it is only a few meters from the provincial highway.

The name "Rammang-Rammang" is derived from the Makassar Language, where the word rammang means "cloud" or "fog". So rammang-rammang means a bunch of clouds or fog. According to local residents, this place is named Rammang-Rammang because the clouds or fog are always down, especially in the morning or when it rains.

Interesting places in this area are limestone forest park, Bidadari lake, Bulu 'Barakka' cave, Telapak Tangan cave, Pasaung cave, Pute river and Berua village.

The area of ​​the limestone forest of Rammang-Rammang limestone is 45 000 hectares (45a km²) and is the third largest karst area in the world, after Tsingy in Madagascar and Shilin in China. There are two stone forest park complexes in Rammang-Rammang, in the north and in the south.

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